They also gain access to Underbarrel Shotgun. *Sniper rifles fire slower and have increased damage. To compensate for their increased unwieldiness, they can occasionally spawn with the Micro Missiles ability, allowing them to fire smaller and weaker rockets at a much faster rate. *Rocket launchers fire slower, making them more powerful (and costly to use) overall. Common launchers also gain the Flare Launcher ability, allowing them to shoot flares in dark areas to make underground exploration easier. Shrapnel Bomb and Sticky Bombs, formerly shotgun abilities, are now usable by the grenade launcher. Proximity mines are now available as a special ability and receive a damage boost to encourage their use. *Most notably, Grenade launchers are now two-handed and have several new abilities. Spray n’ Pray has been improved, tightening up its formerly massive spread and renaming it to Full Auto. *Assault rifles get a new special ability, Underbarrel Shotgun, allowing them to fire a spread of pellets for when an enemy gets too close for comfort. Uncommon and rare shotguns get Tri-Shot, which fires three strong projectiles in a much narrower spread.

Common shotguns can spawn with a new ability called Slug Shot, allowing them to fire a single powerful bullet instead of several weak ones. *Shotguns have tighter spread and higher damage per second so they’re actually good at close range instead of just decent. Though this slightly reduces their variety, they look much more consistent and less goofy because of it. Regular pistols only spawn with two different parts, butt and barrel. *Pistols and machine pistols are mostly unchanged. *All randomly generated guns were given new naming schemes inspired by real-world weapons, while still keeping the original manufacturers such as Teklacki or Graxus. The new look should fit in just fine with Starbound’s lore while also being visually appealling. Some parts are inspired by classic science-fiction and video game weapons, however. They are designed to look more reminiscent of real-world weapons. *All randomly generated guns have been re-sprited with new and original parts. This will work with an existing character, but a new one is recommended, as your current weapons won’t be affected by the changes in this mod.Ī small list of things that have been altered in this mod: Several weapons’ stats have been changed in small or significant ways, making them more useful and allowing for more freedom to play the way you want. New sprites have been created for every single randomgen gun, making them hopefully more visually appealing and certainly less frankensteined together.

Starbound Weapon Overhaul is a comprehensive mod that alters every randomgen gun in the vanilla game.