Then I went back for my gear and donned my stealthy gear and took out 3 more guards before the camp caught on. He also had a dagger so I used that to kill another wandering guard which had a lockpick on him. I choked out a wandering guard, dragged his body behind a shack and killed him with his own axe.

If you put and arrow in his head, the other guard will come and investigate the noise, which gives you time to put an arrow through his head as wellĪs contrast in Vranik, I stealthily killed about 5 guards before the camp was alerted. If you kill the one next to the wall with a dagger from stealth, the other immediately sounds the alarm. One of them is near the wall and the other is in a near guardhouse. Youre supposed to kill two guards stealthily. You're supposed to kill two guards stealthily. The stealth is especially broken in the mission where youre supposed to infiltrate the occupied castle later in the game. The stealth is especially broken in the mission where you're supposed to infiltrate the occupied castle later in the game.