It is a good idea to invest in some perks, such as Robotics Expert, Armorer, Blacksmith, and Science- this will make things easier for you.This is actually a simpler task than you think- it’s basically integrated extremely extensive crafting mechanics. Robot creation is the big selling point of Automatron– the entire idea is that you can salvage parts from enemy robots and create your own custom robotic buddies. This initiates the questline, allowing you to access the Automatron content.Now you have to locate the assault- it might not be marked on your map, so just go near Wattz Consumer Electronics, which is north of the Institute and the ruins of CIT.Remember, these quests are pretty high leveled, so maybe wait a bit till you go running after them. This will cause the quest to be added to your quest log. As long as got out of Vault 111, you should be good to go- listen to the appropriate distress signal on your radio (which you can hear anywhere in the Commonwealth), and listen to the whole message at least once.If not, exit the game, sign out, sign back in, and then restart the game.

If you see Automatron listed there, you’re good to go.

Automatron is one of the smaller bits of DLC for the game ( Far Harbor, which is the last bit of DLC that Fallout 4 will get under the first wave of the Season Pass, is actually the crown jewel of the bunch)- it adds robotic enemies to the game, and also lets you modify and create your own custom robotic companions. Bethesda are known for their excellent post launch support for their titles, so it should surprise no one that the first bit of DLC they prepared for Fallout 4, Automatron, is actually really damn good.